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Who are We?
Professional Services Company founded in 1999
Based in Silicon Valley
Successfully executed over 65 tape-out projects with first silicon success
Recent successes in 5nm, 7nm, and 10nm nodes
Established professional working relationships with customers like Google, Amazon, Nvidia, Qualcomm, Cisco, AMD, Toshiba, Texas Instruments, "the largest semiconductor company” and hot start-up’s in AI, ML, HPC, Smart-NIC and SDN space
Direct Preferred Suppliers to Google, Nvidia, Amazon, Qualcomm, Marvell, “the largest semiconductor company”, AMD and more.
Strive to be the best by delivering highest value to our customers
Just Deliver
No Assumptions, No Excuses

Solutions for Silicon Integration​
A professional services company delivering value-added ASIC implementation solutions
What we Do?
RTL design
RTL Lint
Clock-Domain Crossings
Design Verification
System Verilog
Design for Test
Scan Insertion
Package Design
Substrate Routing
Synthesis and STA
Advanced physical-aware synthesis for faster convergence
Setting up pre-synthesis and post-layout MCMM STA environment and sign-off
Physical Design and Integration (RTL to GDSII)
Small-to-extremely-large digital ASIC’s with small-to-significant analog integration
Memories, Analog, Serdes, DDR-PHY Circuit-design and Mask-layout
Timing closure, physical verification/clean-up, and Tape-Out
Low power design implementation and power-reduction
Power-gating (UPF/CPF)
Quad-vt (leakage recovery)
Advanced techniques to reduce “dynamic-power”
Optimizing Performance, Power, Area
Methodology Assessment and Enhancement

Client Testimonials
Barefoot Networks
{Now Intel}
Sintegra ’s team engaged with us during early stages and continues to deliver persistently under tremendous pressure leading to successful TapeOut of our First 16nm Silicon"We were truly happy with Sintegra’s performance and retained Sintegra for subsequent B0 and 7nm programs”
Manager, Cisco
“Sintegra team was productive very quickly in our environment. Working with RTL designers they closed timing/congestion of over 50 challenging blocks "
VP, AI Startup
“Sintegra with it’s team of engineers is engaged with us in implementation of our AI/ML processor using low-power techniques in 7nm node and has provided significant value to the program”.

Our Client List

Including High Profile Start-ups in the Bay Area in AI, ML, Networking space and more..
Email & Phone:
Tel: 408-573-8555
2328 Walsh Ave. Suite E, Santa Clara, CA, 95051